I love me some Jezebel. Love, love, love. It's a nightly read for me because -- and I only realized this recently -- I feel like reading Jezebel is like having the DL on the opinions of 7 zillion (mostly ... I mean, I'm assuming, but c'mon) straight women. Cool, hipster, rad straight women, but straight women nonetheless.
I read an entry tonight about the wimmenz reluctance to allow their menz in the delivery room with them while they are, you know, going forth with what is probably the most painful experience of their lives. Here's the thing: WTF, straight ladies? Y'all don't want yer dude seeing anything below the waist? 'Cause that shit is crazy.
Queer girls -- and again, assumptions LIKE WHOA -- would be all filming documentaries and organizing the sale of hemp sandals to benefit Leonard Peltier while their non-gender-specific partner was giving birth to the kid. Queer girls would be ALL UP IN THE VADGE. There wouldn't be any of this "above the waist" shit, because that would offend the EARTH MOTHER.
Organic potlucks and fundraisers, son. I speak the truth. What gives, fucking straight people? What gives?
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...