Was it sad, foreshadowing or just plain ironic that my mom bought me this for Christmas one year? Along with giving me pepper spray in my Christmas stocking, she would buy me items that, in her mind, would protect me or somehow make me a safer person in general. One year I got the pink tool kit, the next I opened a blow-your-tire-back-up-in-a-jiff generator that hooked up to a cigarette lighter. I sort of wish I still had that one.
Now how to sit her down and tell her that down the road, I'd identify as a femme who knows how to wield a few of those tools found in the pink tool kit?
UPDATE: I looked closely into the tool box and I can safely say I know how to wield ALL the tools.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...