A few days ago, I saw a commercial for American Airlines. Only this commercial was a bit, well, gay. The Web site flashed (for like a milisecond) aa.com/rainbow and sure enough, I found the proposed GLBT-friendly site that promises "popular and welcoming" destinations, just for the queer set.
And apparently, AA isn't the only one touting the yellow brick road to Miami/Provincetown idea: Southwest has also put on the ruby red slippers and started down toward the Emerald City, as well as Delta and a few others. This has left Washington Post writer Emil Steiner a bit testy and while I appreciate Big Time Airlines paying researchers and marketing execs the big bucks to find out just where two dykes want to hang out for two weeks, it seems a bit presumptuous that the destinations are places where I already know (or could find out easily where) queer kids go/hang out/etc.
I only wish this didn't look like someone hanging the rainbow carrot in front of my face and asking for my money.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...