Folks who are familiar with the lady-type anatomy: I'm going to ask you a question now. Does this look like anything to you?
This is what I saw when I logged into EMusic tonight to snag a few albums before my monthly allotment of 50 billion tracks expired.
I get it, right? iPod + headphones. HOWEVER, I'm seeing a resemblance to some rad reproductive organs going on there. Does ... anyone else see that or have I kind of lost my mind?
Hey, here's a fun thing that happened to me. I had this fleeting moment of panic where I thought that maybe I didn't know what I was talking about, so I decided to hit Google Images to source stuff. As it turns out, I absolutely know what I'm talking about and also? Fucking horrifying, graphic results in the search. I'm pretty sure that I never want anyone I'm with to have a kid now.
Google Images: Thanks for making me stay child-free forever!
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...