Questionable Content is a rad web comic by Jeph Jacques, the dude behind Indie Tits. Read it, get involved, get obsessed.
Maybe I should reverse that: I think that QC (maybe) came first, but I stumbled across QC after reading Indie Tits for a while. Small birds who make a mockery of indie scenesters are birds after my heart, after all.
QC is updated Monday-Friday, which makes for a good read for anyone who's trapped in an office for most of the week. I try to read a few times a week and work my way back ... and I guess I'm still not caught up 'cause Thursday's comic caught me by surprise.
Yay for lesbian characters in web toons! Apparently there are several queer characters in QC, which: word. Makes my work life far more entertaining when I feel like I'm putting one over on the man while I'm procrastinating.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...