I'm not that big of a fan of Lesbians on Ecstasy. It's sort of one of those bands that fall into the category of "I'd really, really like to, I just don't." Kings of Leon and the Beatles are also in that grouping. That's right, I don't like the Beatles. But my taste of music isn't what this post is about.
Girlfriend is a homo posted this video of Lesbians on Ecstasy's "Sisters in the Struggle" and it's a bit archaic, to say the least. But, it reminds of one of my friends from back home when I was a barista at the best coffee shop ever. She took photos of trees and explained them as "vaginal." Which = awesome and there are a wicked ton of similar vaginal tree shots in this video.
So, enjoy. And, if you ever find yourself in Mankato, Minnesota, ask around and find the Coffee Hag. You'll find more friendly faces than you could ever imagine, a welcoming place to sit, read, chat or write. And if it's still on the menu, you have to try the roasted red pepper hummus or the Thai Sesame Salad. It's to die for. Get an iced Thai to balance it out and take a shot of espresso on your way out the door. It's cold there. Yes, I'm shameless and still haven't found a decent cup of coffee since moving out east.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...