Okay, so I finally got a chance to see Cloverfield this weekend after a full week of whining to Punk Rock Femme about how I rillyrillyrilly wanted to see it and how it would be The Greatest Movie Ever. It was going to be a monster film for the 00s, or the second coming of The Blair Witch Project, right?
Not so much.
It was kind of ehhhhhhhh. I tuned out about halfway through it and spent my time snarking to PRF about various stuff. I know how to ruin a movie for people if I don't like it!
Still, there was a character in Cloverfield that caught my eye and PRF's eye. Marlena! She's sort of heavily featured in the pre-gigantic-amounts-of-action buildup in a way that makes you think that she'll be a big deal later (and she kind of is. Spoiler! Boom!).
PRF and I both agreed that she looked really familar. At one point, I remember saying that she looked familiar not in the "have I seen her in another film" (that film would be Mean Girls, incidentally) way but in the "it's possible that I've met her somewhere" way. And I just figured it out.
Marlena looks like Shane from The L Word. It's not that I maybe met the actress who played Marlena at some random house party, it's that she totally looks like a girly, Brooklyn hipster version of Shane. She even has lady Shane hair!
Don't believe me? Check out the video at DreadCentral. Shane. With just a touch more eye makeup.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...