So. Not. Much. Happened. And yet, more happened on this ep than on the last one. Sigh, again.
I missed the beginning, TW and I were out grocery shopping cuz we gots to eat and so I saw Alex and Robin meeting with a duder and some chick about their supposed club night.
Robin decided that it would be a good idea to have Bathilda's ex go on a blind date with Sayeh the Girlgin. Then, surprisingly, the rest of the gang – Bathilda included – show up. How much I love watching lesbian drama when it's not mine! And also, I love how Robin was like, "What's the big deal? Meh." Awesome.
And the rest of the ep was all about Alex's birthday, because she finally turned 21. She got a lap dance at Truck Stop, her girl crush Paris showed up oh, and the 145-year-old duder she's been dating shows up to surprise her. And, surprise, the lesbians were miffed. Paris "asks" the guy to take a hike, he does and the girls go home to smoosh cake in each other's faces. No, seriously, that's how the ep ended. It's all good though.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...