Many of you may have noticed a bit of a different feel of Ladies Who Munch as of late. Well, even if you haven't, stay tuned.
Tentimesfast has indeed moved further into the bowels of Virginia, leaving me to hold down the fort for the greater Washington D.C. metro area. I'm hoping she'll contribute a few times a month, but I'm looking for someone (or many someones) to blog with me more often.
You don't have to live in the area, because it would be great to get different perspectives, but if you do live nearby, I'd love to hear from you, too. You can write just once, if something is really on your mind, or as often as you'd like, given our agreement. You can e-mail me at if you're interested.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...