Welcome, pimps! I'm baaaack!
I'd like to discuss with you the following term: lesbro*. Say it with me now: lesssss-broooooo. Lesbro!
It's like faghag, but slightly more manly and certainly more butch. Lesbians and lesbros don't talk about their feelings! They drink them away! Lesbians and lesbros share hats! Lesbians and lesbros engage in a very special kind of talking about their past wherein they almost reveal everything and yet, at the same time, reveal nothing at all.
Lesbians and lesbros are like pimp daddy gay dudes and faghags, but with higher tolerance for alcohol and less interest in grooming products. Lesbros are the faghag to the queer butch's straight girl, and god bless my lesbro for coining that term.
So, lesbro: mine is a married, miliary dude. Bless his fantastic, liberal, absolutely rad wife for tolerating my totally gay presence in their lives. If I had to look back (and I will) on my life in the capital of the Confederacy and choose one positive, it'd be Lesbro and Lesbro-wife (I'm sorry, but there just isn't a set of words that would indicate both your liberal radness and your queer-friendliness, so there you go).
Just a brief shout-out to lesbro and lesbro-wife: y'all are fantastically, crazily awesome. You should totes sell your house and move to D.C. and be crazy, no-money-having D.C.-ites with us.
No? You ... you want to have all of our money? We'll totes buy your house so you can move to D.C. and be rad with us.
Bah! Fine! But I still think you guys are the shiz-nit. XO.
*"Lesbro"= Disturbingly close straight male friend of a lesbian; same as a faghag, but less obnoxious and sad. Usage: "Yo, my lesbro is gonna come over for some beers. Do we have any Miller Lite?"
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...