So, we weren't going to sign up for Showtime because of many reasons: money, Netflix and god-the-last-season-of-L-Word-was-horseshit. Well, we thought of the other reasons TO get Showtime: Dexter, Weeds and U.S. of Tara (which, by the way, features the cutest little out gay boy in an understanding and tolerant household. I know, bizarre, right?). So we bit the bullet, called Comcast and three days later (two days of waiting for the cable guy to show and not showing and one day of him actually showing hours later than expected and making it happen), we have Showtime!
So, I'm three weeks late on this, but I'll be blogging about The L Word through the eight episodes of Ilene's last homage to Jenny Schecter. Joy.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...