So much to blog about! Here's a rundown of what I've had jumbling in my head as of late:
This guy makes the devil look like your bestie:
Rockstar Energy Drink co-founder and and conservative radio host Michael Savage: "You want me to tel you what makes me sick? When I see two puffy white males kissing each other, I want to puke. When I see two women kissing each other, on the lips, as lovers, I want to vomit." (Thanks to
Goodbye Bea Arthur, we'll miss you:
Bitch magazine's homage. The Associated Press' coverage and CNN's video.
A bestie told me about this chick's blog and though I haven't had much time to explore, it looks promising. PLUS, who doesn't like femmes?'s strange story on why women are leaving men to be with women. It's an epidemic!
Iowa is unsure what will happen now that gay marriage is legal. The whole state is in a state of confusion! Get it? STATE of confusion? Eh, it's early.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...