Conversation while waiting in a long ass line for the bathroom at Phase Fest:
Cougar No. 1: "See, like most of these girls you KNOW are lesbians, because of how, you know, they look, but that one (drunkly gesturing toward me) doesn't look like a lesbian. How would anyone know?"
Cougar No. 2: "I don't know, ask?"
I should add the Lesbian Cougars were together, as in together, together. But it brought up something that has been on my mind for awhile: Invisibility. I dress "straight," ergo, (see low femme) look "straight" so people don't always understand or see me. And when I mention that I have a girlfriend, they think I'm old-fashioned. Ugh.
It's difficult to not have words that fully explain what your significant other is to you. I refuse to use Life Partner. Or Partner. Unless I'm in a cowgirl mood, which, Howdy Partner.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...