Dani, Dani, Dani.
My final thoughts this week about Dani and A Shot at Love ... go like this:
- Dani is jacked
- Dani is built like a brick wall
- Should Dani ever retire from the firefighting gig, Dani should become a bouncer. Kid has broken up more fights on that show than the guys who are paid to break up fights on that show.
- Dani is motherfucking huge
- Dani apparently spends 16 hours a day lifting cinder blocks and drinking protein shakes
- I'm obsessed with how jacked Dani is. Has she actually gotten more jacked since the beginning of the show? What is with those arms? Am I secretly attracted to her? What the FUCK?
Jesus. I mean, I realize that I watched the most recent episode of ASALWTT knowing that I was going to pay attention to all things Dani, but has there ever been a saner, sweeter reality show contestant? She's pretty much the only one who hasn't declared insane, will-kill-for-you love for a woman she's know for all of 10 seconds. Actually ... never ye mind. That's a fucking terrible standard to use to judge sanity.
At any rate, Dani is jacked. I'm done.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...