I'm still sort of frustrated that I don't have a definite answer when random friends decide, for whatever reason, to ask if my girlfriend and I are getting married. First, it's not legal in the state we live in (Virginia) and second, it's sort of presumptious. I get that they're attempting to be progressive (or are they?) but it's still a little on the weird side.
I go back and forth from kind of liking that we can't get married, that we're not like the hetero population and that, in my mind, our relationship is much more equal and exciting than a hetero one, to thinking someday I'd like to get married, privately and then have a big fucking party afterwards and invite my parents and smile for days at their faces when they open the mail. Basically, my two issues are explained in this 30-second clip from "Queer As Folk."
P.S. Read Bilerico's post on How Gay Marriage put an end to Gay Sex.
Film The Rich
You know, as a society we’ve probably hit some kind of oligarchy overdrive
when there’s an entire subgenre of films about ordinary people being
invited ...