
Sucked into Facebook

In an unprecedented move, I decided to join Facebook. Now, you're all probably like, "Um, what took you so long?" Well, I was part of the resistance, and I liked that. I never joined MySpace and thought it was um, not very classy. I'd visit someone's page and get inundated with crappy backgrounds, annoying songs and drunk pictures, all of which I can find on my own, thank you very much. And I was tired of hearing EVERYWHERE, "Well, we're Facebook/MySpace friends." Meaning that they probably didn't know each other very well, but enjoyed the idea of them just enough to friend them. Or confirm the "friendship" from them. So, I would roll my eyes whenever someone mentioned anything about their page.

Now I'm the annoying one. A small sample of the sentences I've been throwing at The Wifey since I joined Jan. 1: "Oh. My. God. You'll never guess who wanted to friend me. It's ridic." "You'll never believe who is a Sarah Palin-lovin' person!" "Some of these people have more than 1,000 friends. Like, right."

TW just listens, or nods or laughs. She thinks I'm crazy for joining, a bit leery of pics of us being up on the page but for the most part puts up with it. I know she'll probably never get her own page, and I don't try to force her too and I'm really, really trying to tone down my daily announcements for her. I only friend people I'm actually friends with (what a crazy novel idea!) and I keep everything super private (unless you're a friend). It's given me something to do when I have some downtime and I've gotten in touch with at least four people that I used to be close with but then lost touch with. I've found, refreshingly enough, that some people who were Jesus-freaks back in the day have opened their minds more and are most accepting of me and others.

But what I most appreciate about Facebook is the support I've gotten from my friends. It's been so nice to be welcomed and accepted when my own parents are um, well, not accepting. I've been nurturing my friendships much more lately and it's paying off better than I would have ever thought it could. Who knew?

Sam Adams, Beau Breedlove caught in web of lies, beer and too many name jokes to count

Here I was, taking some time to read up on Washington Blade news, and I click on "Calls made for openly gay Portland mayor's resignation."

I had no idea what I was about to read. OK, so it's not the most interesting story. It's a gay mayor/young intern boyfriend kind of a story, but c'mon — The mayor is Sam Adams? And the boyfriend? Beau Breedlove. The mayor won the election — he was running against, wait for it, wait for it, Bob Ball — and after he won, he apologized for having a relationship with Breedlove and keeping it a secret. You can read all the sordid (and kind of boring ) details yourself. Just revel in the deliciousness of the names.


Getting jiggey with it ... or something like that

This made my Monday.