I went for gas before work today and pulled up next to the biggest, pimpest Escalade that I have ever seen outside of, like, a music video. Standing outside of the Escalade was the biggest, pimpest butch I have ever seen outside of, like, every femme's wet dream: 40ish, silver/gray fauxhawk, black t-shirt, aviators.
Escalade Butch gave me the Acknowledgment Nod when I walked in to buy smokes, which: RAD. When I walked out, Escalade Butch was still pumping gas (I mean, Escalade, right?), but she had this 20ish indie rock femme all feeling up on her while pumping gas. When I pulled away, she gave me the biggest grin I've ever seen in my life, the "GodI'msofuckinglucky" grin.
Ohmygod, I hope that I am Anderson Cooper gray when I'm in my 40s. And that I have an Escalade.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...