Charming Butch called me tonight to give me the DL on a convo she'd had with a chick in NYC last night. It was RAD!
CB and I were undergrads together at a giant public uni that was conveniently located right next to a fancy women's college. The fancy women's college girls thought we were PROLES. We thought they were SNOBS. Quelle surprise!
So, CB had been at a party that was entirely populated by recent grads of the fancy women's college. At one point in the night, everyone in the room went around saying what year they'd graduated. When it got to CB, she said, "Oh, I graduated in '99, but from [insert name of our alma mater]." In truly classy fancy women's college graduate fashion, one of the chicks at the party said this: "Oh! Well ... I'm sure you had fun!"
What? I mean, what?! I heart condescension! When I get my transcripts, they're actually written in crayon, and some of the letters are backwards ... but, hey, at least I had fun! Gosh, I nearly learned to read at a 10th grade level after all o' that there book learnin' and class takin' and speechifyin' and whatnot. Who was a good public uni student, hmm? You were! Yes, you were! Now, sit! SIT!
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...