The Final Battle!
- Think about their gender identity, probably every single day.
- Like to hit it with people with XX chromosomes (possibly) but are probably faced with some question of the gender identity of those XX chromosome'd folks, whether it's femme, butch, trans or whatevs.
- Are forced to think about what it actually means when they're interested in anyone of any gender identity
- Have to wonder how they're representing their gender identity OR if anyone will question their gender identity when they choose heels v. sneakers v. jeans v. skirts
- Have a fucking raw end of the deal when it comes to queer visibility
- Are the toughest, rawkingest motherfuckers I've ever met when it comes to standing up for their community, their femmes, their butches, their bois, or their people. You wanna tough kid to come to your defense? I'd take a femme any ol' day, son.
Straight girls:
- I got nothin'. As a femme friend of mine once said, "Straight girls wouldn't even know what to do with you." Well said, femme friend. Well said!
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...