After mentioning the Slant 6 thing for the Jenna Riot vid, I searched on YouTube for Slant 6 and found this (it's just a Slant 6 record playing, no biggie):
And then threw up in my own mouth a little bit over the fucking masturbatory scenester bullshit in the comments. Is this what we've come to? Am I that old?
I swear to christ, this is why I only read Venus these days when it comes to music (ooh, women write about music? Who knew?). I hate the incessant references to some band's old catalog and ex-members and blahblah meowmeow and the "I knew them way back when/ ZOMG the 7" I had when I was 2 years old" thing.
So, by the same token, I apologize for any "Holy fuck, I met soandso in Portland/Pittsburgh/NYC" or whatever that I've ever done. I try really hard not to do it, but at least when I DO get insane and do it, it's in a crazy star-struck manner.
If I've ever been an indienerdDICK, jesus, I'm so sorry. I hate that shit so fucking much. It makes music so inaccessible, and that is really the last thing I want.
I'm so, so, so insanely pro-anything with a beat that inspires passion. I love music so very much, and I want everyone around me to indulge in what I love, too. And fucking awful sad side to it: it's really easy for me to forget how fucking alienating it is to have the NERD jabbering at you about 6,000 years of music history when you've just mentioned a song that you kinda liked that you heard just that once.
ADHD sidebar: I'm thrilled to have a dude friend who loves the music like I do, if only because of this post at Pandagon. He's the only straight guy indie friend I've ever had who isn't a complete douche to me about my taste in music. Indie Dude and I have had these EPIC conversations about albums that span entire evenings. We once sat on his deck and talked about Rodan's Rusty for 8 hours. Indie Dude spent a giant sum of money a few years ago on a plane ticket to Chicago with the hope that I would be able to get off of work to see Tara Jane O'Neil play when he had time off. When I couldn't go, he practically got himself arrested to take some pictures of her and have her sign a copy of Rusty for me. When I turned 28, he got in touch with Kim Coletta (ex-Jawbox) to ask her if she'd sign something for me because she'd signed my shirt at a Jawbox show on my 18th birthday (she remembered it, by the way).
Indie Dude is so radly, awesomely non-indie dude about music with me that it's worth a mention. I've known him for 15 years (*wince*) and never once in that entire time has he managed to invalidate my interest in indie music. He's never been that guy, never assumed that I like something because of someone else, and has never taken his INCREDIBLY SUPERIOR POSITION (he books bands for a club) to mean that he knows more or cares more about music. Uh, even though he totally does.
Good on you, Indie Dude. Somewhere out there, zillions of indie kids -- especially the girls -- wish they had a friend like you.
And Jenna Riot totally sounds like the singer from Slant 6, but with less talent. Just sayin'.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...