Uh, I forgot that this existed at all. But still, here it is: National Motherfucking Coming Out Day.
Funny story: as 'mo as I was in high school, I knew jack about NCOD until I was a freshman in college. For whatever reason, I had a fuckton of days off around NCOD that year, and I came home from ye olde Hyper Tolerant New England College Town to ye olde Insanely Intolerant Mid-Atlantic Small Town. I was like, super fucking thrilled about NCOD and was crazed about telling someone. So, TARGET: my BFF from childhood onward. I got wicked fucked up and blubbered about NCOD and guess what day it is and I'm a huge 'mo HAHAHAHAHA.
Slightly more funny story: Childhood BFF avoided me for the rest of that night and pretty much for the rest of ever. She didn't return phone calls or emails or whatever. A few years later, my grandmother died really suddenly, and she showed up at the funeral (her grandmother and mine were wicked close) only to avoid me like the GAY was fucking contagious.
Coup De Grace: Couple of years ago, Childhood BFF decided to finally wed the baby daddy of her demon spawn and SENT ME A FUCKING WEDDING INVITATION via my parents, who, stupidly, forwarded it to me. I sent it back with a note that was bitter and bitchy and anti-hetero, enough that my FUCKING MOM somehow heard about it and called to "chat."
Yeah, revenge!
So, er, it's still National Coming Out Day. Maybe things will go better for y'all?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...