Co-parenting: for the win!
Context: conversation with The Ex about pets. The prompt: my statement that having kids instead of pets would probably cut down on, say, my drinking beer and playing video games time (i.e., all of my post-work activity, every single fucking night).
The Ex: God, your future CO-PARENT is going to hate you.
Me: Yeah ... wait. My what?
The Ex: Your CO-PARENT.
Me: Seriously?! My baby mama, right?
The Ex is prone to throwing out all sorts of really rad, po-mo vocab, so ... ok. I trust her judgment in these things, but CO-PARENT?
SO SENSITIVE. I have heard the term before, I mean, c'mon, BUT REALLY. This shit is on par with "life partner" in terms of just silly, superfluous SENSITIVITY.
Permission granted for the following: if you know me at the point in my life where I start referring to my baby mama as my co-parent, I say that you can punch me right in the fucking face. Deal?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...