But I won't stop my horrified looks.
Bitch magazine's article, "Multiply and conquer: How to have 17 children and still believe in Jesus" tells the story about families who believe that they should have as many children as God will allow -- and sometimes that means up to and more than 17. The magazine mentions that a particular family, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and the 17 children (all complete with first 'J' names) were part of The Learning Channel's show, "14 Children and Pregnant Again!" While I couldn't find much on TLC's Web site, I did find interesting factoids and stories about the Duggars on the Discovery Channel's site. You can take quizzes and read such fun facts as: "Michelle has been pregnant 135 months of her life."
Without completely restating the obvious (that any and all pregnancy takes a toll on a woman's life and there are fantastic reasons birth control was invented), let's skip ahead. A few generations ahead, that is.
The main point of the article was how when these children are grown and well into adulthood, and all the fancy stuff that comes with that: taxes, voting, shopping, etc., where are the children of our progressive, liberals going to be? Most Blue State parents aren't having kids in the double digits. Families such as the Duggars are having a shit ton of kids because ultimately, to them, they are doing God's business and right now it seems that God's business is to overpopulate with more Christians to tip the scale in their favor for any political, social or (let's be frank) heterosexual balance there could be. They're "in it to win it" to quote Kate Dixon in her story.
But while on the long car trip back from NYC, the wifey and I were discussing it and she brought up a good point. Both her and I came from Christian, Republican (I can't believe I'm sharing all this), heterosexal=good/homosexual=bad, pro-life (anti-choice) families. And look how we've turned out: Two liberal, politically aware, queer, pro-choice, homosexual=good/heterosexual=okay ladies. So, the bigger question is: When a handful of these 17 or so children hit puberty and start rebelling as most teenagers do, how many will enter adulthood believing the same as their parents? How many people do you know who still are carbon copies of their parents after going through college?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...