I'm all about sharing my musical earworms, mostly 'cause I take a lot of sadistic pleasure in passing along the torture of "Oh Jesus, I can't get this out of my head ..." to other people.
Tonight I have The Organ's "Brother" stuck on infinite repeat in my head, and it's now yours. Instead of an mp3, you get the added bonus of seeing the lovely ladies of The Organ in full YouTube-y glory. For such a gloomy, Joy Division-esque band, they are certainly incredibly fucking attractive. Why just listen when you can look and listen?
Also of note: this video features the least amount of movement ever. They might as well be smokin' hot statues. For the sake of the image in my head, I hope that their live performances were just as shoegaze-y and awkward.
Oh, before I drop the video, I have to mention this habit that I picked up from a friend of mine. Lately, he's been replacing the words to songs with whatever is in his head, or whatever he's looking at/thinking about at the time. It sounds sort of autistic, but it's pretty funny and contagious.
So, while I was watching the video, I kept replacing this bit:
We have got to take cover, brother
with this:
We have got to just stand here, not moving our arms
and this:
We have got to look miserable, we sound like Joy Division
Did I say I was posting the video now? One more thing: The Organ are all sorts of broken up, having gone off to wherever mopey (but wonderful!) queer bands go when they die. I think that, if you miss them, you should fill that void with Swan Island. They're very similar to The Organ, and I'll bet that they move their arms on stage when they perform.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...