Let's first begin with post with three minutes of silence in honor of those who didn't return to season five with no explanation:
Papi and Grace. I KNOW that no one really liked Papi (was it just the hats?) and Grace's only purpose, it seemed, was to ensure Max that he could keep his girl bits and still be who he is. But, they at the very least deserve a three- or four-word sentence to let us know where the hell they went. How's this:
"Papi left with Grace."
Okay, begin the silence part now. (Only keep reading if it's been three minutes OR you don't care to wait.)
On to the episode at large, which should have been called "Shane's Back!" Some more points of (non) interest:
* Phyllis and Joyce. Okay, we get it. Phyllis wants to play the field and Joyce won't take her shortly, smartly manicured hands off of her.
* The utter lack of chemistry between Alice and Tasha. AND the strange dialogue between them. And where's the makeup sex after a big argument? Eh.
* Let's skip Jenny's new puppy until next week; I see Adele is slotted for six episodes, puh-lenty of time for Jenny to either ruin her or sleep with her.
* Shane getting it on not once, or twice, but three times, making her *quite* the lady.
* The abrupt shot of the prison shower, complete with camera panning and nudity I neither was prepared to see nor wanted to see. Ever again. Please, never again. Kudos to Illene for keeping it real and not using lingerie models but no thanks for the images burned into my retinas.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...