I was chatting with someone a few days ago and was asked, "Are you out at work?"
I paused and made that confused face with the scrunchy lips. "Yes?"
Here's the thing. How do you come out at work and after that, how do you know you're out at work? I'm not about to drape a rainbow flag over my cubicle, I'm not yet working at a diverse pro-LGBT company and the dress code has me refraining from wearing this or this. Though, perhaps on casual Friday, I could throw the hot tank on under my pant suit. Perhaps.And I do have a sweet silver necklace that says "girls." Hmm.
But moving on. So aside from telling my closer coworkers I'm queer, and having a few louder discussions about our hotties with tentimesfast, how else am I supposed to come out at work? Mass e-mail? Let's peer into THAT future:
"Dear Sirs, Ma'ams, Peeps,
I'm a big bad queer. The ones your mommas warned you about (see ladieswhomunch.blogspot.com for more info).
Tres Bien"
I'm pretty sure that isn't the way.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...