Detriment: n. 1. Damage, injury, or loss. 2. Something that causes damage, injury, or loss.
I hear about the ex-gay "movement" every so now and again, and the hatred that stems from the so-called leaders of this movement and ones like it bring tears to my eyes. It's difficult to comprehend such disdain and hate for another human, and to use the name of God to do so. Which is why articles such as this one are so encouraging to read.
I'm going through my own personal "It's Okay"-ness, meaning I've heard from family and friends those crappy words, "I accept you, I just don't agree with your decision/choice/lifestyle" to often. Some from which had previously been cool with everything, and have now, after mulling it over, changed their minds. Which, ugh.
I'm strong enough in who I am and in my relationship with The Wifey to not have it totally upset me, but yet, I feel as though it's one of those issues when "agree to disagree" is going to have to come into play. And when that has happened in previous times, the friendship/relationship usually dies, because how can you maintain a connection with someone who decides you are the way you are? Or will I forever have two deeply separate types of people in my life? The ones who fully accept me or the ones who wonder why I'm such a bad, bad sinner but never say that to my face?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...