Although I've mentioned last week that the feeling of the show is incredibly different from the first few seasons, it wasn't until this episode that The Wifey and I both said "What. The. Fuck?" to each other a few times. The biggest instance: Kit. Her lines are increasingly ghetto and her scenes increasingly cut down. But, what are you going to do? More tidbits:
* Molly takes a chance on kissing Shane and then freaks but boi, did she push that door open for later. And, guessing from the previews, she's a sure bet.
* Bette and Tina still unsure (well, Bette anyway) about what to do with each other. Bette even brings up seeing Dan Foxworthy from season one. Anyone remember him? Talking about the Lesbian Urge To Merge and managing group therapy?
* Not one person said anything about the horrendous hickeys Niki Poopie Tattooie and Jenny both sported. Not one. And, who sucks on the middle of their girlfriend's neck? The exact middle?
* Dear L Word hairdresser, what happened to Bette's hair? It seemingly flattened scene by scene, but wow, did it have ever body that first scene, body like WHOA.
* How much do you guys love awkward lesbian dinner parties? Not to be invited to, but to watch from afar and to marvel aloud when Tina and Bette start arguing? ("Sorry, we didn't mean to leave you out." "Yes, you did.")
* "Williams, you're going to be missed around here. Goodbye."
Tasha comes clean, gets booted out but makes out with Alice on the base. So, she's free to be with whomever she wants, but where's she going to work? Wax burnt down. There's already an Adele (though Tasha would take Jenny out the second she started to whine) and I don't really see her making a cameo on The Look with Alice. We shall see. ...
* Did anyone else see Papi at the movie premiere? Me neither.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...