We kicked off the seventh ep with Alice wanting to be Miss Popular with The Look ladies, Tasha saying a hearty "fuck you" to copping a plea (was anyone else gleeful when she said that?) and further evidence that Bette is bored.
But the strangest part of the episode was seeing Kelly McGillis as Colonel Gillian Davis. If you don't remember where you've heard that name before, it was in the ultra homo-erotic film, "Top Gun" McGillis played Charlie. I'm not going to say anything about aging, because, by golly, we're all doing it as I blog, but, I will say, it's a bit shocking to see McGillis in 1986 looking like this and then in 2007, looking like she did on Sunday night. More tidbits:
* We finally get to watch the promised Turkish Lesbian Oil Wrestling. Or is it Lesbian Turkish Oil Wrestling? Only Turkish Lesbians allowed? Eh.
* Hearing "Dawn Denbo and my (her) lover Cindy" way too much.
* Still trying to figure out what Adele's deal is. She "accidentally" drops the advertisement for the oil wrestling so that Nikki Poopie Tattooie sees it. NPT goes, wrestles and consequently holds up production. But, why, Adele, why?
* Papi has been erased. I wouldn't be surprised if you bought season four and her character was cut out of the film. Like, literally cut out, you'd just see blank space. I didn't love the character, but doesn't she at least deserve a one-sentence explanation? I mean, there were Papi fans, right?
* Bette throwing Jodi's arms back when she's topping her on the bed. I watched that TWICE.
* Alice, Alice, Alice. What are you doing? That character has totally changed from the first three seasons. Alice used to be my favorite character, but I can't figure her out anymore. I think the whole flavor of the show has been altered so much, it's a completely different animal.
*I'm not bitter.
* Nikki telling Jenny she wants to have her babies. And that she loves her. And that they should move to Ireland or Japan. Clingy, much?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...