Oh ladies of "Gimme Sugar" on Logo. Where do I begin? We were only halfway into the show and already my eyes grew weary from rolling.
The show begins with the gaggle asking the Truck Stop owners if they can give them advice about running a club night. Two questions later, the girls are completely confused and back to square one, with a stern "you can't ask Charlene for help" dictation. Ugh. I love it when people have absolutely no idea about how to do things but want to skip to the fun part. The fun part here being turned magically into club promoters. There are steps for these things, people. One of them? Education about what you're trying to do.
We've got some drama in the middle with ex-girlfriends/current girlfriends/close "friends" and the usual mix of alcohol. Ah, to be a carefree lesbian in L.A.
Have I mentioned yet that they can't agree on the name of the supposed night? Blush or Sugar. Sugar or Blush. And, yes, still haven't decided. But they did manage to raise about $260 from their all-day car wash, which probably scarred some kids and made some dads and moms uncomfortable. It made me a little uncomfortable.
Overall, the girls were more annoying and catty than they were in the first ep, but I still have faith in the show and will probably watch it every Monday night it's on. Until I become a club promoter.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...