I'm now a semi-proud owner of a Motorola Ming, which is the coolest looking and least practical phone for my needs. That's how I roll.
I have terrible cell phone luck. When I got this phone, I miscounted and said it was the fourth cell phone I've owned in two-ish years. It's actually the fifth. I'd love to say that I'm really, really into phones, and that I've been happily buying new, exciting models for the HOLY SHIT RAD PHONE factor, but nope. I'm just a fuckwit of a phone owner.
In order of ownership, the various death scenes of my cell phones in the last two years:
1.) Standard Nokia candybar phone, which went by the wayside after getting dropped a hundred times
2.) LG flip phone, discarded when my contract was up
3.) Another LG flip, fried after the call alert vibration dropped it directly into a glass of water
4.) The epic dance with the RAZR: dropped more times than necessary, accidentally run over with car (and LIVED), filled with dust behind screen, battery life declining ... declining ... new phone!
5.) Sony Ericsson Walkman phone, whose epic awesomeness and perfection ended in the ocean while on vacation
5a.) Fucking RAZR, brought back to life through the magic of a new SIM card, battery and intense resentment
And now: the Moto Ming. God help me, I can't imagine what I'm going to do with a tiny, touch screen smartphone, but hot damn, it looks cool. Like a Star Trek phaser, and it's set on DORK! And LINUX!
I'll have a new one in 3 months, mark my words.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...