
Our poet laureate is a mo and other things

Kay Ryan is the new poet laureate of the United States. She's also a big D.

I think it's somewhat telling that I had to hear about this on a Canadian news program at 3 in the morning. Telling and terribly, terribly, terribly sad.

To this I say: yay, Kay! And boo, American mainstream journalists!

Ryan learned about the honor Monday, when she and her partner of 30 years, Carol Adair, arrived home from the Aspen Ideas Festival to find a phone message from Billington.

"I thought, oh my God, this can mean only one thing," Ryan said, "and the blood ran out of my head."

The next day was a busy one, because she and Adair were scheduled to be remarried, having married the first time in 2004 at City Hall in San Francisco. "We'll have to get the rings re-engraved with the new date," she said.
