Wow, Yuan Shu Chi looks like a dude (and also shoots charming, dimpled, very butch looks at the camera from time to time). There's my initial insight regarding the awesomeness of Olympic archery, as viewed on the NBC Olympics site because I'm madly in search of anything that doesn't involve Michael Phelps or Kobe Bryant.
You know, initially, I was kind of meh about the archery, but after watching a ton of round of 32 & 16 matches, I started sort of privately cheering on the very dyke-y ones (lots) and I've determined a formula for success:
- It seems to help if you are very "gender neutral" and/or look like someone's very unassuming mom. If you are conventionally attractive, it's good to cover yourself in hats, sunglasses and long-sleeved shirts as if you are playing pro poker and need to hide your business.
- Facial expressions lead to bad scores. Always look like this: :|. Good shot? :|. Bad shot? :|. Win? :|. Lose? :|. Unless you are Yuan Shu Chi, and then you may have emotions.
- Your coach must have his/her collar popped as if it's 2006 in the U.S.
- You may have one side of your collar popped.
- Bucket hats, bucket hats, bucket hats.
- Face chalk? It's for the win.
- If you represent Chinese Taipei/Taiwan, you must be a handsome bastard, possibly with a hipster mullet.
- You must act all sorts of casual, as if you are not a relatively tiny woman (or butch, as the case seems to be a lot of the time) who has sickening accuracy with a deadly weapon.
There you have it: archery is now my best source of big Olympic Ds outside of, say, handball. Or basketball. Or softball. Or weightlifting ... especially weightlifting.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...