Since last episode, we're blazingly aware that yes, it's true: Shane and Jenny have slept together. We see the dog barking on the bed (which Jenny doesn't wake to) and we see the sleepyheads all lovey dovey and it's, um, weird. I had a feeling a long time ago that my "I wonder why Ilene doesn't have Jenny and Shane fall for each other, or at the very least fuck?" Well, silly me, they just did.
Alice shows up at the house to meet with Jenny to get advice about her screenplay. She finds, very soon in, that Shane has slept with Jenny. She texts everyone, who responds probably the same way you did. Except for Kit. Poor Kit. Her cell phone is seen vibrating and she stares at it like it's a hamster on a wheel. "What? A text message?" She is absolutely befuddled and confused by the technology and consequently doesn't read the text. Here's the thing. How, in 2009, is there anyone who is baffled by their cellphones? SRSLY, Ilene? And again, poor Kit.
Meanwhile, Bette has her own shit to deal with. Seems as though Jodi is still vindictive and Phyllis has something to get off her chest. Tom makes a cameo, though that awesomely bad storyline will have to wait until episode four before we get some answers.
Alice actually acts like Good Ol' Alice and it's WONDERFUL. In my mind, I assume that she read my blog posts and figured, heck, I'll do this one small thing for Tres Bien. Anyway, Alice and Tasha are back to being adorable, Alice does something commendable on her talk show (I know, I almost forgot she was on it, too) and will probably pay the price. But you find out later that it's all worth it at the end of the day.
The rest of the clan are both giddy with horror and delightfully confused at what is now Shenny. Shane and Jenny, meanwhile, think only Alice knows (has no one learned that Alice cannot keep anything in?) and think they're acting smooth when one leaves the group for a rendezvous and the other leaves shortly thereafter. Highlight of the ep: Bette's infectious laughter. At everything. And anything. And her inability to quit. But hey, inappropriate laughter is always good.
There's the drama with who-stole-the-movie-film (there's only one copy and it's been stolen), Tina's job is on the line. Come to think of it, Alice, Bette and Tina's jobs are ALL on the line. Cripes, and in this economy? Can't wait for next week, can you?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...