Background: I actually really, really, really (rillyrillyrilly!) like The Gossip. I have all of their albums. I think Beth Ditto has an amazing voice and is an extraordinary advocate for Big Girls Everywhere and is courageous and smart and all sorts of other good things.
I'd also like for her to shut the fuck up sometimes.
I'm not sure when this started. If I had to guess, I think it started somewhere between the NME interview where she blamed gay dudes for the fact that women have fucked up body images, her recent whine about Angelina Jolie's bisexuality and the announcement of a Beth Ditto advice column ("What would Beth Ditto do?"). Add to the first three the fact that you can't throw a virtual stone anymore without hitting a gossip blog's post about Beth getting nekkid on stage, and damn, I am sick. of. it.
Also of annoyance: Beth Ditto is from Arkansas, y'all! Did you know that? I had no idea. Dude, the woman gets the teensiest bit of prompting before she launches into a four zillion word I'M FROM ARKANSAS, Y'ALL rant in this month's Interview (which: props to The HLE for liberating that shit from her mail room for me. Holla!) She can't even stop talking about it when she's interviewing other people. (There is an awesome comment on that YouTube vid: "The chubby drag queen is sweet but those two boys scare me and I really didn't understand what they were talking about.")
Beth Ditto: chubby drag queen who won't effing shut her trap once in a while. Please do, Beth. For the good of the people.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...