
Low femme: you're not the only one

low femme -- low-down, dirty, trash-talking femme who can still charm the pants offa yo momma

Scored that def from a message board via Google. Can you charm the pants offa people's mommas, HLE?

And this from an LJ:

I still feel so ... undefined and ambiguous about all the femme identity crap, I don't even know where to start! But the Queering Femininity conference starts today in Seattle, and so it's been more in my mind. Yeah, maybe in honor of that! I was talking to a friend of mine about my femme-ishness last night, and she said I was a "low femme". At this point, I'm leaning toward lazy femme. Heh.

AND this from a queer conference program:

Beauty myths, body image, breast surgery oh my!
Diesel femme, high femme, low femme oh my! Its
time for cis and trans women to get together and start
talking in an informal way about who we are and what
it means to be us in 2007. This is an open discussion
for women to talk amongst ourselves, compare notes,
and do whatever else comes natural

cis femmes, OH DAMN SON!

AND this from some online queer dictionary:

low femme --a femme lesbian who is, perhaps, not quite so stereotypically feminine as a high femme, usually preferring jeans and a blouse or t-shirt to skirts for everyday. Also known as a blue jeans femme.

Blue jeans femme, huh? Word.

Yo, I think your ability to rock heels might put you higher on the list than you might think. Medium femmes for the win?