That's "for the handsome ones" for all you non-Spanglish speakin' folks. And this post is in regards to TenTimesFast's posting about the Handsome Butch. Which, first, I'm jealous you saw one, in the wild (and by wild, I mean pumping gas into an Escalade). And second, if there wasn't hot femme eye candy, I'd be sorely disappointed. But, moving on.
It made me think of something to ask of you, something I'd love for you to post. I know, I know, you post all the time and I don't. But I'll help.
Don't you think there should be some sort of Old Butch/New Butch chart? Like, OB would have a mullet, or the "bowl cut." NB would have a faux hawk. OB would drive a Subaru Outback (sorrysorrysorry). NB would drive a Escalade? Or at least something with more onions than a wagon. I don't know. I'm going to play the new card on this one. Your turn?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...