So, I'm going to *attempt* to answer your query regarding the differences between straight girls and queer femmes. Before I do, I must, must, must first write that I'm not the best source for this (are you absolutely sure that I can't play the new card anymore?) and I'm sure that I'll add to this post later. But, without further adieu ...
I don't think there's that much of a difference, save from the preference of bed buddies. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rules, but it's not like straight girls and butches, where it's pretty evident right away the differences. And since I'm on the subject a bit, I'll tie this in to what I think about "Same Sex in the City," a book that came out (tee hee) last year and got a strange review on afterellen that you referenced earlier.
The book is about a few low femmes and a shit ton of high femmes who live in New York City and the personal essays that explain who they are and how they "arrived" at their respective gaydom. The one gripe that afterellen had was that the book didn't include more incluserary (I made that up) terms, mentioning in particular the short vocab list for Gaynglish. I didn't remember reading anything about it, so I had to do some digging, but I found it. Here it is:
"A boi is a girl who looks like a boy. She may even look so much like a boy, you'd mistake this boi for an actual boy ... and that is exactly her intention."
So. Well, there it is. I'd love to hear what you think after I lend you the book. Which I will. Some day. When I remember.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...