Hookup/OurChart has a post about this CST article on a queer couple who were voted "cutest couple" of their senior class. Ruckus ensued. School admins eliminated the category (who doesn't have a fucking "cutest couple" category, you fucks?) and then changed their minds. The picture of the cute queer girls could run in the yearbook, along with the photos of the hetero couples who failed to be as popular cute.
You know what I got in high school? Voted "Most Alternative". I'm not even kidding. Somewhere, in a yearbook that I don't even have, there's a picture of a 17-year-old tentimesfast with purple hair. I am engaged in the pretty much non-alternative, mainstream sport of hacky sack with a punk rock dude in the photo. Right. You can stop liking me at ANY TIME NOW.
That said, I'm still impressed with the level of outness and radness on the part of any high school kid that's happily 'mo enough to get voted "Cutest Couple" in a high school yearbook. Granted, it's in (or near) Chicago, and not in some podunk town in West Virginia, but still: brave.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...