
The Baltimore Sun: always with the finger on the pulse of the kids these days

I'm going to relate something shocking to you. Sit down. Ready? Queer people listen to hip-hop. You okay? Yeah? Hmm ... not shocked? Fuck. Okay, how about this: queer people still listen to hip-hop even though some small percentage of mainstream artists might sometimes say something homophobic. WOW. I know, huh? Mind. Blowing.

Dude, I've been reading/hearing/seeing people mull over that fact for a really, really, really, really long time now. I thought we were kind of beyond that point where someone would write something about homophobia in hip-hop that sounded as if they were literally clutching their pearls while they were writing it. But we haven't, at least not in Baltimore, where John-John Williams IV (hee) would like to politely inform you of the same shit on a different day.

Read. Laugh. Marvel at John-John's use of a website that hasn't been updated in at least 6 or 7 years to back up the following statement:

Hip-hop music has never been gay-friendly.

Also, check this and try not to fucking smash your head into your desk for the next 20 minutes:

The popularity is not limited to Baltimore. Hip-hop music dominates the playlist at Club Boi, a gay club in Miami; Sunday is hip-hop night at MJs, a gay club in Los Angeles; and hip-hop music rules Tuesday's Drag King nights at The Bourbon Pub and Parade, a gay club in New Orleans.

That damn, dirty hip-hop is EVERYWHERE! EVERYWHERRRRRREEEE!!!11one!!one!1

So, young, queer opinion writer trying to save us from our own indulgences? Ancient reporter baffled at the kids with their loud noises and crazy clothes? Dude who doesn't get out too much?