I thought that might get your attention.
Treehugger.com has an arousing article on How To Green Your Sex Life, including information about the aforementioned sex toys. And, I'm going to say it -- this list is TIGHT, son. You can glean tid bits about how taking a shower together saves water (hear that, Wifey?), which natural aphrodisiacs to employ and how to (I kid you not here) have the best "love juices" out there. And who doesn't want that?
A few of my favorite things:
On throwing a sex toy party: "Dildos are the new Tupperware."
On meeting that possible special someone: "Nothing’s quite worse than meeting some really promising guy or girl and then realizing that he or she is an Escalade-driving, non-recycling, Earth fucker-upper."
It's a must-read for any queer worth her salt and may even give you gift ideas for the upcoming holiday season.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...