You know ... sometimes I don't get stuff.
Tonight's Stuff I Don't Get edition comes in the form of the words of some random D.C.-area DJ that I heard while I was out for coffee during work. I had coffee in hand, I was driving back to the office and listening to the radio. I flipped the station at a red light and was treated to a DJ lamenting some of the recent reports of the insanely high HIV infection rates in D.C.
Let me say that I have no idea which station I was on. I heard about 90 seconds of the banter and had to shut my radio off because I was suffering from a rad case of Crazy Rage. Here's what I learned:
- HIV infection rates are high in D.C. because of men who are on the DL.
- HIV can be prevented with honesty.
- If the DJ were to ever engage in a same-sex relationship, she would totally prevent any sort of STD through this policy of honesty.
Do I have to say this next part? She went on a pretty serious But You Guys I'm So Not Queer I Am Wicked Heterosexual tangent to cover up the stupid thing she'd already said.
I don't know. I'm many years removed from my role as undergraduate safer sex advocate, but I naively assumed that we were in a place where straight folks had stopped blaming gay men for HIV/AIDS. I also assumed that we were also in some sort of mystical, enlightened phase where, "Oh, but I trust them!" was actually considered a little wrong-headed.
Honesty: it's just like latex and bloodwork!
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...