If you have that weird aversion to reality shows that a ton of folks seem to have, then I have a present for you. Via the magic of the internets and YouTube, you too can watch Manly Stanley Dani and Tila Tequila have a dirty make out session.
(An aside: did you know that there's a wiki article out there that will give you the deets on how to make out with a girl? I should absolutely refer to this again in the future, especially for wise tips like this: "Hold her like a baby. Some women are fragile and like to be handled accordingly." Advice! Written! By! People! Who! Have! Never! Touched! A! Girl!)
If you want to avoid the rest of the show and get right to the Dani, shoot forward to 2:55-ish. Bonus tough kid Dani material can be found at 7:10, where Mr. Butch swings in to break up a fight between two of the chicks on the show.
You're welcome.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...