If you're anything like me, you're ecstatic when you come across a women-owned/run sex toy shop you haven't seen or heard of on the Web, for many, many reasons:
1. D.C. seems to lack in the women-centric kick-ass sex shop category.
2. Online, you can look, look, look at all the nifty vibrators as long as you want.
3. Picking out gift packs can take a long time, and I get antsy when salesclerk -- however friendly, innovative and educated they might be -- are drifting in and out of my space with those eager beaver eyes.
4. Picking out a special surprise may take visiting one, two or thirteen different sites. With Firefox, I can tabulate each sex shop site and compare prices! (I sound like my mother, only use "sale item" in the place of "sex shop site.")
5. Finding out that there is a site out there that offers vegan-friendly tasty tattoos? Priceless.
Early to Bed is a Chicago-based shop and they offer everything for the beginner to the pro. They even have a blog! Some love from Ladies Who Munch to the Early to Bed Blog!
Now, who wants to throw a lesbian-orientated sex toy party? Takers?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...