That I am awake at all to type this post is nothing short of a miracle.
I met someone recently -- I'll go ahead and call her Punk Rock Femme since I never get creative with my bloggy nicknames for people -- and we have the ol' Incompatible Schedule Problem (tm). I keep a schedule that basically makes me a character in a shitty Anne Rice novel; PRF keeps a normal schedule that normal people have when they have normal person jobs.
I'm a gamer though when it comes to PRF. She's awesome like that. How awesome? Let's just say that I wouldn't keep the hours I've been keeping for the last week in order to attend a Rainer Maria reunion show. My mad lust for Rainer is widely documented so yeah, this girl? Pretty rad.
At any rate, consider this a warning post. At some point, my new, virtually sleep-free schedule is gonna make me crack right in half. When the day comes (and it's coming soon!) that you read a post from me that's, like, 16 paragraphs of gibberish topped off with a random photo of wolves fighting, then you'll know that I've reached the breaking point. I'll sleep for a week after that and be GOOD TO GO, people.
Until then, I believe that I have a smacktacular documentary to review ...
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...