Inspired by the "Hair Metal Made Me Gay" post on Our Chart, I've been poking around my early teens, pre-punk, pre-riot grrrl phase for songs that remind me of hairspray and wanting to make out with dudes.
Hey, maybe hair metal really did make me gay! It was a really short hop from this awful stuff to actual metal to punk to Kathleen Hanna to making out with girls.
Thanks, hair metal bands! I think.
Whitesnake - "Here I Go Again"
Cinderella - "Don't Know What You Got" (Dear God, the singer was the prettiest lady EVER)
Skid Row - "18 and Life" - "Your crime is time and it's 18 and life to gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, yeahhhhhhh-uhhhh-yeahhhhhhhhh"
Warrant - "Cherry Pie" - Oh, Jani Lane, I had the biggest crush on you. I'm just sayin'.
Winger - "Seventeen" - Fucking. Dirty.
Poison - "Talk Dirty to Me"
Lita Ford - "Kiss Me Deadly" - Right, so I could've picked "If I Close My Eyes Forever" but what the hell? Lita had big hair, yeah?
I haven't heard any of these songs in a million years and yet: I remember every. single. word. Wow.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...