Liz Phair.
Wait, hold on: Liz Phair, circa 1993's Exile in Guyville. That's better.
Somewhere in a box that's sitting in storage is my copy of Exile on motherfucking cassette. I played it so much that the type on the cassette disappeared. I checked out the liner notes (read: half-nekked photos of Liz Phair) so much that part of the insert broke at a fold and got lost to history.
God, I loved me some Liz Phair.
At the time when I bought Exile, I was having this mad identity crisis where I was pretty sure I was a big 'mo. But, you know, small town and all, so I was keeping that crisis in check by messing around with boys and girls simultaneously and getting super confused over why I couldn't keep a boyfriend/girlfriend for more than three seconds. "Fuck and Run"? Anthem. "Shatter" ("I know that I don't always realize how sleazy it is/ Messing with these guys/ But something about just being with you/ Slapped me right in the face, nearly broke me in two")? Anthem.
Everything about Exile was perfect, is perfect. Even now, I can listen to it and sort of marvel at every single track; get amazed at the raw, boyish voice or the lyrics that are still kind of filthy 14 years later. Phair's later albums? Eh, not so much, although Whip-Smart was a soundtrack for a ton of collegiate fuckery for me.
Tonight, I've been hitting Exile pretty hard and have been thinking about how the early-to-mid '90s version of Liz Phair set the standard for me for solo female musicians.
I would have given my left arm to see this in 1995:
I would give my right arm to see something that self-conscious, geeky and perfect now.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...