Now, who doesn't love to laugh at the ridiculously embarrassing stories of others? I know I do! So, here's one of mine.
On Saturday night The Wifey and I were invited out to Georgetown's Mie N Yu restaurant for drinks with my cousin and his friend. No, I haven't come out to him yet and yes I totally did the "we're roommates" thing. I know, I know, very chumpish of me, but in due time, in due time.
While TW and I were walking from the car toward the bar, I leaned over and gave her a big hearty smooch on the cheek because I love to do so and we were going to have to play it straight (ha!) for a few hours and it's difficult for me. I get cranky. So, ergo, the kiss.
Now, I had put on lipstick (yes, I know the lipstick lesbian jokes, no I don't think they are funny) and about an hour into the conversations, I looked over and noticed a perfect kiss-sized smudge on TW's cheek. I froze mid-conversation. It's like that moment when you realize you've been talking to everyone and you've had a big, green piece of spinach in your teeth? That moment where you are absolutely SURE that everyone has noticed and you're the last on that list?
I lean over to tell her and while we got the whole "oh, girls telling secrets" crap, she was able to suavely nudge her shoulder up to her cheek and wipe off the smudge. She's smooth like that.
The moral of the story: Don't kiss with lipstick unless that's your opening (coming out) line.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...