OK, so I've been deeply negligent on blogging this week, but my computer was massively, violently attacked by spyware and adware. Like, it's disgusting. I hate Internet Explorer (my family calls it Internet Exploder) so much right now I could blog entirely about that, but I won't. Instead, I'll offer a pathetic and belated apology and give you some points on last week's L Word.
* Grace! Grace is back! And giving gay dude advice to Max!
*Seriously, where's Papi?
* How pissed was Bette when Jodi's best duder friend dumped her ass into the lake? Wifey and I were squirming on the couch, practically hiding behind blankets because No Body Messes With Bette. And if they do, There. Will. Be. Hell. To. Pay.
* Shane kisses Helena. Out of the blue, practically in mid-sentence. So this whole giving up sex and becoming a different, better person has made her wildly kiss her pals? Hasn't she been "clean" for like, a minute? C'mon Shane, get it together.
* The absurd and confusing opening scene that could have been cool, had it not been botched by gaydar guns (among other things) that couldn't tell whether Jenny is gay or straight. Is that part of a bigger storyline? Are we supposed to give it much thought? I guess the chick who came up with it had something cool in mind, then Ilene got a hold of it, and well, we all are very aware of when Chaiken gets a hold of something. (She mashes it with her hands and mixes it with potato chips.)
* Odd first-date sex between Tina and her new little pancake. Well, pancake isn't the cutesy word I should be using. How about Angel Food Cake. We're introduced to New Lesbian in a you-have-fake-boobs? introductory fashion. "Spread your legs." Enough said.
* Tasha and Alice. Will they ever get past this and be happy once again? I hope so. Remember in season four when Shane called Tasha Alice's "angry friend"?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...