Okay. So we're further into the series and starting to see just how evident it is that Jenny get as much screen-time as possible. Nevermind that Alice and Tasha's break-up was downgraded to 2.5 minutes if that, we must see Jenny's abhorrent behavior. But, moving on. The catalyst for the entire episode was the Bette and Tina sex scene, times 2. Which = good. But, please delete "spread your legs" from your "dirty talk," ladies! It was cheeky for Tina to take something from Brenda, who seemed as different from Bette as someone could be, and use it on Bette. She deserves better! Perhaps it's just me. But, more highlights for you ladies:
* The opening scene, with "Bev" and "Nina" was taken from the pilot of L Word, and unless Jenny has become a clairvoyant, methinks Ilene was whispering in her ear: Jenny didn't witness that scene; that was a private moment betwixt Bette and Tina. (Thanks to The Wifey for pointing that little gem out). Ugh, Jenny.
* Still, no Papi. I wanted Kit to say something while her and Bette were walking toward the movie set, something like, "You know who else liked martinis? Papi! Now, where did that girl go?" But no, didn't happen.
* Dawn Denbo. Denbo. Denbo. Denbo. She certainly loves saying her stupid last name. Does anyone talk like that? And which movie sets can I visit so I can disrupt it and get $5,000 out of the deal? Like, what? And her girlfriend, Cindy, dressing like a South Beach gay man? I don't get it.
* "Puppies!" "Those aren't fucking puppies!"
* The mystery that is Adele. She's only got two more eps after this, folks. Any ideas? I hope it's more exciting than that she's obsessed with Jenny. And did anyone else notice that when Shane and Alice are looking at Adele, toward the end of the episode, you near Max talking, but the camera is premature in panning to him?
* Speaking of strange camera panning stuff ... the Bette and Tina tea-time-turned-bedroom-dancing-time camera pan was very "Queer as Folk"-esque. No? They did shots like that all the time for Brian and Justin. God, I miss that show.
* I still don't know what Nikki's tattoo is supposed to be. She was wearing some peasant/baby doll shirt that covered her shoulder. Damn. I still think it's poopie.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...